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July 14, 2011

Maxwell Smart – July 2010

Posted in: Quote of The Month

Get Smart was a television comedy series in the 1960s that was a satirical look at the special agent genre. The television show lasted from 1965 to 1970 and also included 2 movies that were made with one being a theatrical release and the other being a made for TV movie that aired on ABC in 1989. The television show has recently received a reboot of sorts with actor Steve Carell reprising the role of Maxwell Smart in the 2008 film version of the show. The series centers around Agent 86 Maxwell Smart who works for a counter-intelligence agency and tries to save the world from the evil corporation known as Kaos. Smart’s incompetence is usually an eyesore for his team as he constantly complicates every mission that he’s involved with but somehow is able to save the day due to an unbelievable lucky streak that followed him wherever he goes. Max is clumsy and awkward and most of his fellow team members or people that he meets think that he’s a complete dummy. In this month’s quote, we demonstrate Smart’s inability to understand a series of simple instructions from his boss…

Dell Canada Inc
“Now listen carefully: [gives a series of complex instructions] Did you get that?

Max: Not all of it.
Chief: Which part didn’t you get?
Max: The part after ‘Now listen carefully’ “.


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