Epic Burger
Posted in: Food

There’s no denying that we love ourselves a good burger. Burgers used to be made on an assembly line and then shoved under a heat lamp until they were eventually brought over to your table. This old concept can still be found at your older fast food chains that promise low quality meals for a cheaper price. Around 2005, this all started to change with the emergence of made-to-order burger chains like Five Guys burger franchise that made your meals on the spot and contained fresh (not frozen) ground beef. Now, many other franchises have popped up such as Shake Shack that promote the same concept and are making the market increasingly more saturated. How do you change this concept to make your burger joint unique and have a fresh way of doing business?

Well, you start by making your burgers Eco-friendly. Usually, the words ‘burger’ and ‘Eco-Friendly’ don’t always mix. But, in this case, Epic Burger are trying to make you feel good about eating a hamburger again. Epic Burger opened in Chicago in 2008. It’s a privately owned business founded by David Friedman, a Chicago resident since 1983. The cornerstone of their concept is serving beef free of antibiotics and hormones as well as being humanely raised. This means meat that has no drugs pumped into it and won’t cause complications with humans eating too much antibiotics down the road and causing problems with bacteria-resistant diseases. Also, their bacon contains no nitrates. This means that you will have less of a chance of getting heart disease because nitrates can cause your arteries to harden and lead to a possible heart attack down the road. Even their packaging is Eco-friendly. Their plant-based packaging comes from renewable sources such as sugar cane, potatoes, and recycled paper. They’re also picky about their buns, butter, salt and cheese. They make fresh buns with no preservatives, use real butter, sea salt (compare to table salt) and premium Wisconsin cheese. The goal is to create an iconic American food without drugs, artificial colors and flavors, nitrates, phosphates and preservatives. They were recently named ‘Best Burger in Chicago’ by the Cooking Channel’s ‘Burger Wars’. Right now, they have seven locations in Chicago only so you’ll need to take a trip to the Windy City to check them out.
You can check out more about this pizza joint over at their website at http://www.epicburger.com
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