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August 12, 2012

BoobNewb’s Original Funny YouTube Comments

Posted in: Entertainment

You Tube is one of the most popular media web sites on the internet. There are millions of videos uploaded to the site every month. You can upload a video on to the web site and within a few days become an instant celebrity and start to make money off of your videos. Google thought that this was a good enough idea and decided to buy the web site for over 1.5 billion $. Every member that has registered with You Tube has the ability to comment on a video and discuss whatever they want as long as it isn’t flagged for inappropriate comments or is reported as spam by other members of the site. Sometimes, the comments from other members can be funnier than the video when they’re not stuck in juvenile debates or forum wars. We’ve seen the countless web sites that offer their own version of the funniest comments on You Tube but after a few minutes you start to realize that they’re just cut/paste operations of the same comments without offering anything new or unique. This is why we’ve created our own You Tube comments section with some brand new funny comments for all of our loyal readers to check out and have a good laugh. We hope you enjoy!

Bas Rutten: How To Win a Bar Fight

—“Neat! I wonder if he has any tips on beating the? awesome lawsuit/assault charges that will follow this awesome shit!” (CatAtomic99)—


—“Guys can we please stop making jokes telling women to get back in the kitchen…the laundry needs to be done too.” (246alive)—

Chatroulette Love Song

Dell Canada Inc

—“The only thing more impressive than the song is the 3? days it took them to find a chick on Chatroulette .” (SeanBannister)—

A Day in The Life of Dax Flame

—“My life is complete. For some reason, watching a white kid in a BUSINESS suit, play basketball with black people? gives my life new meaning.” (Thisismyfinalstand99)—

Fan Attacks A Guy In A Portable Toilet

—“The real question here is? did he get to wipe?” (AcostaLBC)—

GoPro HD: Bungee Jumping – TV Commercial – You in HD

—“I would never bungee jump…I came into this world because of a broken rubber and i’m not going out cause of one.” (mofosbud94)—

Try Not To Laugh!

—“They? took my fries, I took their lives.” (GoobyNFrends)—

This ends our first installment of funny You Tube video comments. We’ve already started to compile a second edition that should be available in another month or so. We have lots more of these articles in the pipeline but didn’t want to overload your senses in one single article. Expect more of these comment articles very soon.


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