Well it’s officially Summer so there’s no better time than to talk about the old BBQ and foods that you can use on it to entertain your stomach. A couple of foods come to mind but the easiest and fastest thing that I can come up with at this moment are hamburgers and hot dogs. I prefer to use the term burgers and dogs though , so for the rest of this article I will be mentioning those terms as such. A couple of things to note when having a BBQ: First off, make sure you invite a good amount of people to the BBQ. The last thing that you want is to have too many or too few people.
The reason for this is with too many people, food gets eaten way too fast and you might not have enough food to give and the other reason being that you don’t want to look like a loser now do you. Another recommendation is to tell the people coming to bring something to add to the food you already have. It doesn’t have to be expensive but the more stuff and the more variety of that stuff , the better.
This means that you can ask people to bring dips, chips, beer etc. to add to the main foods so that people can drink and snack on stuff and you don’t have to shell out lots of money buying this stuff and can just concentrate on making the burgers and dogs.Another thing that might help is a BBQ. Unless you plan on starting a wildfire on burning your house down accidentally I’d recommend you find a BBQ with either charcoal or propane to use to heat the thing up with. If you plan on having girls at your BBQ than you might not realize this but most hot girls don’t look like supermodels from eating burgers all day. Either try to supply some alternative for them like a nice salad with different dressings on the side for them to choose from, fruits and vegetables or a veggie burger or dog as an alternative for the BBQ.
My final recommendations are to pick a day when it’s not raining as that would certainly suck as well as buy some bug repellents like those citronella poles you heat up to get rid of unwanted bugs like mosquitoes as those things can certainly ruin a fun BBQ. Also somewhere to sit like a pic-nic table would be nice as opposed to the ground. Alright let’s get to the food itself finally.
Make sure to heat the BBQ for a bit before using it,either by turning the valve from the propane tank a bit then hitting the ignite switch or by throwing in a match as an alternative for charcoal and propane BBQS. If you left the burgers or dogs in the freezer,make sure to let them defrost for a bit or leave them in the refrigerator for a bit before you cook them.Place burgers and dogs on grill.

Turn the dogs slightly around for a bit until all sides are blistered all around it.Cook the burgers for 10 minutes on one side until it’s brown and sizzling then flip over with a spatula on the other side for another 10 minutes. To see if the burgers are ready, take a knife out and cut to the center of the burger to see if it’s pink or not. If it’s not pink than the burgers are ready and you can assume that all of them are ready if you placed more than one burger at a time on the BBQ.Place the finished burgers and dogs on a clean plate to avoid E.Coli poisoning.For the buns, you can buy any crappy buns at your local grocery store as I’m unaware of any premium buns out there to my knowledge. If you want to toast the buns, I recommend a toaster for them to be better toasted but to save some time just place them on the top rack and let them toast for a few minutes until desired toastiness has been reached.
To save time , have all your condiments out on a table near the BBQ . Some favourites include mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, lettuce, and cheese that you can use on the BBQ if someone asks for it. To save even more time from washing anything,make sure to have a garbage bag handy and place everything on paper plates and cups along with disposal forks,spoons ans knives. Also leave your drinks, beer and chips on the table for anybody that wants some.
Also here’s some useless facts to help you enjoy your BBQ adventure…
The idea of pounded beef found its way back to the merchant’s home town of Hamburg where cooks broiled the meat and referred to it as it as Hamburg meat.German immigrants introduced the recipe to the US. The term “hamburger” is believed to have appeared in 1834 on the menu from Delmonico’s restaurant in New York but there is no surviving recipe for the meal. The first mention in print of “Hamburg steak” was made in 1884 in the Boston Evening Journal.
Frankfurters – and wieners – were sold as hot food by sausage sellers. In 1901, New York Times cartoonist T.A. Dargan noticed that one sausage seller used bread buns to handle the hot sausages after he burnt his fingers and decided to illustrate the incident. He wasn’t sure of the spelling of dachshund and simply called it “hot dog.”
Also,if you want to see what the biggest burger and dog looks like in the world, check out the pics please.

Well, there you have it. I hope your BBQ is a success and any of this useless information helped you in your search for the ultimate burger and dog BBQ feast.
Thanks to http://junkfoodnews.com/ and http://www.didyouknow.cd/hamburger.htm for some information.