While a lot of fuss was made over the the new consoles that will arrive in 2005-2006; there were also some games that were unveiled that will be hitting the store shelves very soon. Since I love lists, I will count down the top 10 games to look forward to for the upcoming holiday season. Also note that this list includes games that were playable on the show floor and doesn’t include games that were shown in trailer format and thus won’t include many xbox 360 or playstation 3 titles in this list. I will reserve judgment on those titles for a later date.
10. Burnout Revenge

What can be more fun than smashing cars into each other at 200 miles per hour? We aren’t quite sure but what we do know is that Burnout Revenge will be coming out soon and is the successful sequel to Burnout 3 that came out last year. This year you can look forward to new races,new rage modes and a new mode that allows you to try and beat the clock during rush hour traffic. We can’t wait for this one to come out very soon.
9. We Love Katamari

The biggest surprise of 2004 is back with the same fun loving weirdness we’ve came to expect from Katamari. The biggest feature this year for gamers is the addition of multiplayer support in which players will be able to play with one another in a two player co-operative mode.
8. James Bond 007: From Russia With Love

You might be asking yourself,another bond game, so what? Well this year EA decided to take a different approach and go retro by bringing back the old bond, Sean Connery in this 60s era bond title. You can expect great features like movie-based missions as well as original, action-intensive sequences, multiplayer and of course hot new bond girls to look at.
7. The Movies

Brought to you by the same mind behind Fable and Black and White, the movies allows you to become a Hollywood director. The movies will follow different time lines such as the silent era all the way leading up to the modern blockbuster. You get to play the part of a director who not only gets a chance to create your own feature films but must also deal with cranky actors, film budgets and all of the other problems that a Hollywood director must go through.
6. Shadow of the Colossus

This one was a nice surprise and is by most of the same team that did the very underappreciated title,Ico. In this game you get to go on a journey with your horse and hunt down giant creatures in a mythical land. For each new land that you discover there will be a new creature to hunt down and kill. The battles won’t be easy as each creature has its own abilities and will require precise puzzle solving to try and kill them.While Zelda will be all of the rage, this title may in fact be a zelda killer on the horizon.
5. SoulCalibur 3

Last year saw the Soulcalibur team take on the unique task of creating 3 distinct characters for each console system. This year they’ve decided to create a partnership exclusively with Sony to develop the 3rd in the Soulcalibur series. The 3rd in the series is looking better than ever and will include new characters and all new fighting animations. At E3 the game ran smoothly in 60 FPS and shouldn’t disappoint any fighting game fans out there.
4. Prince of Persia 3

The third in the Prince of Persia Trilogy, Prince of Persia 3 sees our hero prince return to his homeland only to find it ravaged by war. To make matters worse, the kingdom turns against the prince and makes him a fugitive on the run. The only way for the prince to make things good again is to use the sands of time one more time and restore peace to his kingdom. While critics didn’t enjoy the more violent sequel in Prince of Persia: A Warrior Within; this title will feature most fo the same bloodshed from the second game with lots of new features added including( and we’re hoping) chariot racing.
3. Darkwatch

Look what happens when cowboys meet vampires! This game is based in the sci-fi western world where a cowboy must protect himself against a hoard of vampires trying to kill him and everything around them. It’s a first person shooter brought to us by Capcom and ion a world with so many game franchises throwing out sequels left and right, this game should be a nice surprise for gamers.
2. New Super Mario Bros.

It’s not too often that I get really excited over a new Nintendo DS title but that just happens to be the case this time around with a new Super Mario Bros. game coming out. The first 2D sequel in a long time for the mario franchise will be coming to the Nintendo DS this holiday season with a mixture of classic 2D and 3D platforming for all of those faithful nintendo fans and will include all of your favorite bad guys from past mario titles.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The people over at Nintendo Headquarters got the message loud and clear from their fans: Bring the Link from SpaceWorld 2000!. Well after getting criticism for creating a cell shaded cartoony link in the last zelda game, Nintendo gave the fans what they wanted and created a more mature looking,adult oriented Zelda Title. This time you also get the privilege of riding Link’s horse and turning into a wolf. This was the most anticipated title at this year’s E3 and deserved the best of show award with good reason. Look forward to the new zelda game just in time for Christmas.
Well,that about wraps up another year of E3 madness. Sorry for the delay… Let’s look forward to E3 2006!
(all images courtesy of gamespot.com,go there for more screens,news etc.)