While randomly surfing some websites, I realized that to help expand this website, we would need to venture into different untapped areas and create even more unique content for this domain. No ideas were coming into my head; until I noticed the new camcorder I had purchased which was gathering dust on my office desk. Some friends and I decided to just drive around and put the camcorder to good use by having me film whatever was happening around us.

Dell Canada Inc

     We came up with the idea to create the 3-guys series: a television show featuring 3 guys just hanging out in different places every episode and wasting people’s valuable lives. Above is our pilot episode with future regular episodes to come in the near future. The brilliance of the show is that you’ll never know where we might be. We may be at the mall, in our car, at the zoo, in my basement, etc. Be forewarned though; if you are into anything remotely intelligent, you may want to stay away from our tv show as you might lose a few brain cells after watching it. Our show features foul language, possible religious/cultural jokes, and lots of bodily function jokes. Shakespeare we are not.

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