This quote comes from the hilarious new television show called Drawn Together. For those unfamiliar with the premise of the show; a bunch of castmates are on a reality tv show sort of like big brother except they’re all cartoon characters. The characters on the show are also stereotypes or knockoffs of real cartoons as you have captain hero (superman) , spanky ham(any flash cartoon), Xandir (Link from Legend Of Zelda) , Toot( 50s cartoon character Betty Boop) , Clara ( Little Mermaid Disney Character), Foxxy Love (Character from Josie and The Pussycats) , Ling-Ling(Pokemon), and Woldoor Sockbat (Spongebob Squarepants).In this episode, Clara’s cousin comes to town and Clara is ashamed of her because she’s mentally retarded. Unfortunately for Clara, Captain hero has a crush on her cousin and tries to act nice towards Clara to get inside her cousin’s pants. Captain Hero tries to pretend that he really loves Clara’s cousin but in this quote, Spanky Ham pretty much messes that all up for our hero friend.
Clara: “If that is the truth, then I am truely happy for the two of you, you’re a good man Captain Hero, I knew I could trust you.”Spanky Ham: “Well, nice work Captain Hero. Here’s the $50 I bet you to have sex with Bleh. Oh, I mean um, here is the fifty dollars… uh Captain Hero won off me, because, uh, I bet him he would not have sex with your special cousin Bleh. But he did, in fact have sex with her, oh yes he did. For fifty dollars. Whew, man, saved it.” |