This month’s skit comes courtesy of The Conan O’brien Show. One of the more popular skits on Conan’s show involves bringing in a tv monitor and having famous people appearing on screen with their lips cut out being impersonated by someone from the show. By far the most popular character from this skit is the one done for politician/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In this quote, Arnold discusses his approach to tackling earthquakes.
Lips of Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Then I cornered the earthquake and I grabbed it by its ass and zen I pressed against ze earthquake’s perky 19-year-old faultlines. Zen the earthquake said, “I thought you hired me for my skills.” And I just laughed at ze earthquake. Zen ze earthquake ran out crying and zen I turned slowly to camera, took the cigar out of my mouth and said, “Now she’s all shook up.” |