Many sports teams like to employ mascots to help garner more attention for their team and to help boost morale at key points during a match. Some popular mascots include the current Montreal Canadians mascot Youpi as well as the Gorilla from the Phoenix Suns organization. Unfortunately, not all mascots can have a cool name or neat costume as we shall see in a few seconds. Some organizations just have no clue what to call their mascots or have no idea how to market them with our listing of our top 10 worst sports mascots.
10. Izzy

-Normally when you stray from tradition and decide to create a mascot that is supposed to be some type of creature living inside the Olympic Torch; you know you’re in trouble. Izzy proved to be very unpopular as the Olympic mascot and can now go and crawl back to his hiding spot underneath the torch for good.
9. Stuff the Magic Dragon

-If you haven’t guessed it already, Stuff the Magic Dragon is supposed to be a takeoff of Puff the Magic Dragon. You would think that with a name like the Orlando Magic that they could get a magician as a mascot or at least have David Copperfield stop by every once and a while for a performance. Instead, they deliver to the public a dragon that looks like he took one too many puffs of whatever his relative dragon was smoking and became retarded.
8. Stanford Tree

-We’re not officially surprised that one of the smartest schools in America has one of the dumbest looking mascots. We’re also not surprised that their team name is Cardinal yet their mascot is a tree. Perhaps their athletics departments are so bad that they decided that the tree was a good defense mechanism for their cardinal to hide in away from predators? Apparently Stamford must also not have an anatomy class at their school because we noticed a few facial features missing on the mascot besides its mouth. We’re sure that you can figure out what’s missing on your own.
7. Sauerkraut Saul

-Sauerkraut Saul isn’t 100% a mascot as it’s a character performed during a pirogi race at MLB’s Pittsburgh Pirates Home games. To help clarify what the heck a pirogi race is: The Pittsburgh Pirates put on a race involving different mascot characters where prices are to be won. The other contestants include Jalapeño Hannah (green hat), Cheese Chester (yellow) and Oliver Onion (purple). Any one of these characters could have possibly won a spot in our top 10 but at least people are somewhat aware of a pirogi and a jalapeño and on the food scale; sauerkraut has to rank pretty low on the food mascot scale. If you’re going to create a food mascot; at least make a mascot that people would actually enjoy eating like a hot dog, hamburger or a nice piece of fruit.
6. WuShock

-Apparently, this mascot is supposed to be some form of a corn stalk. Instead, it looks like a pissed off bartender who should be telling kids not to smoke or do drugs as it resembles a walking no-smoking advertisement.
5. Gaylord the Camel

-Usually we like to make fun of what’s wrong with a mascot’s appearance. In this case, we think that the name of the mascot speaks for itself.
4. Gunston

-It’s always fun when a school makes up a mascot. We just wish that this school had not watched Sesame Street one too many times. This mascot looks like it didn’t make the cut on Sesame Street and so the costume designer decided to sell it on Ebay to the highest bidder.
3. Blue Blob

-We here at BoobNewb admire laziness. This is why the Blue Blob is such a treat because it looks like zero effort was given into making this mascot. It reminds us of when the father loses his job and the mother is forced to leave her homemaker lifestyle and join the workforce. What ends up happening is that little johnny comes to the dad for advice about his costume and the dad (sad and depressed) tells little johnny to take two googly eyes and paste them on a blanket. That pretty much sums up what the Blue Blob is.
2. Captain Cane

-This dude looks like a member of the Toxic Crusaders rather than an actual mascot. What is that on his head? Is it a tornado? Is it a bee hive? Is it even his head?
1. Billiken

-It’s usually not a good first sign when you need to consult wikipedia to find out what the heck your mascot is. Apparently a Billiken is some sort of half elf creature that some dude thought up in his head during a dream and copyrighted the creation. We wish we could think up of weird creatures in our heads as our dreams always involve axe murderers or playboy playmates. We came up with the idea for playboy in our heads for Hef would have none of that and sued our asses. Anyways, the lesson here is that a school should be bright enough to not pick a mascot based on some dude’s trippy dream about elves and fairies. The easy way out is to always use some sort of normal animal like a wolf or a duck and not use some creature that looks like it should be abducted and anal probing someone on the X-Files.