Flight of the Conchords is a television series from HBO about two struggling band mates from New Zealand who are trying to become famous rock stars in New York City. The show stars the real life comedy duo of Jermaine Clement and Bret Mckenzie who are portrayed on the show as taking their music seriously but in real life are often doing parodies of popular songs. Jermaine or Bret will break into song periodically throughout each episode. The songs that are portrayed are usually story driven and involve some type of parody of an event that has occurred during each episode.
Bret and Jemaine are often depicted as being clumsy and inexperienced with women. They will usually compete with each other over who is more of a lady’s man but in reality neither of them are very popular with women. This leads us to this month’s quote where Jermaine explains how many women he’s been with back in New Zealand.
Jemaine: Man, back in New Zealand I was getting it on with lots of chicks. Bret: Who? Jemaine: Well, ah, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Michelle Fitzpatrick, Claire Fitzpatrick… the list goes on. Bret: That was all of them. Jemaine: Well, triple figures. Bret: No that’s not triple figures. That’s three. |