Calvin and Hobbes is a comic strip written by Bill Watterson about a stuffed toy tiger that comes to life through the imagination of a young boy named Calvin. The comic strip was syndicated in newspapers from 1985-1995 and has appeared in nearly 2400 newspapers worldwide. While the strip mainly deals with Calvin’s vivid imagination, the strip also does examine broad issues like environmentalism, public education and various political issues surrounding the government and democracy. Calvin and Hobbes strips are characterized by intelligent humor, poignant observations, witty social and political commentary, and well-developed characters.Watterson often likes to throw in metaphors in his work by using Calvin’s imagination and Hobbes’ witty humor as a way of showcasing certain events that lie underneath the humor and fantasy. One of the more humorous elements of the comic strip is Calvin’s lack of an attention span when it comes to education or his need to sit in front of the television screen and watch programs rather than listen to his father’s orders. It’s this theory that has helped this website stay strong over the years and is one of Calvin’s quotes that have helped to showcase our own theory of this website to any potential new audience that wishes to visit this website.

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Calvin: “As far as I’m concerned, if something is so complicated that you can’t explain it in 10 seconds, then it’s probably not worth knowing anyway.” – The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes p. 25


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