Jennifer is a fitness model, NPC national judge, IFBB pro athlete and social worker. She was raised in Arlington,Texas but now resides in Dallas, Texas. She is an intern/graduate at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas and her internship is to be a Registered Dietitian (certified by the American Dietetics Association). She is not only a NPC competitor but also an NPC judge and hopes to be a judge with IFBB one day. She’s also a NSCF Certified Personal Trainer and does motivational work on the side. Her other main job is that of a Budweiser model-spokesperson but her main goal is to continue with her fitness modeling career. Some of her accomplishments include 1st place in the NPC junior Nationals in 2000 , and 1st place overall in the NPC Muscle Beach Fitness competition in Galveston, Texas in 1999. You can find out more about Jennifer at her personal website at and at her myspace page at but you need to be invited to view her profile as it’s set to private at the moment.

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