David Bowie is an English musician,producer, actor, arranger and audio engineer. He has sold over 196 million records and is one of the U.K.’s ten greatest pop acts of all time. He is known best for constantly being able to reinvent his image and to create new and uniquely different music in several different musical decades. He has come up with different stage acts over the years including his famous Ziggy Stardust character which shows Bowie with red hair in wild outfits and describes his character as a rock star that has been sent from a distant planet during the end of the world. Another character of his is the “Thin White Duke” character which is loosely based on a character that Bowie played in a film called “The Man who Fell to Earth”. Bowie has had many successful singles over the years with “Let’s Dance”, “Young Americans”, “Fame” and “The Man who Sold the World” just to name a few. He has also acted in several films and television series including the films “The Last Temptation of Christ”, “The Man who Fell to Earth”, “Labyrinth” and “The Hunger” which was later created into a television series for which Bowie hosted. His last known role was that of Nikola Tesla in the film “The Prestige” in which Bowie plays the famous scientist who is asked to build a cloning device for the protagonist of the film (Christian Bale). Bowie has also not been afraid of coming up with great quotes over the years. One of his songs included the famous line “Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am” and during his glam rock period his Ziggy Stardust character would often mention several things related to drugs and sex. This same character would always be flamboyant with a large stage act that accompanied the greatness of the character. It is Bowie’s flamboyance that helped him to come up with this gem of a quote during his illustrious career…
“I’m an instant star. Just add water and stir.” – David Bowie |