There have been plenty of famous movie quotes over the years. But none of these quotes have been said as eloquently as the one by actor Rutger Hauer in the film Blade Runner right before he’s trying to kill someone. We reach the climax of the film where the replicant Roy Batty and Harrison Ford are fighting one another on a rooftop in the rain. Deckard is about to slip and fall to his doom when Batty delivers one of sci-fi’s greatest quotes and a personal favorite of ours if you ever want to give a speech before killing someone. Unfortunately, Batty was only a replicant (not human) and his body would shut down before he could deliver the final blow to Deckard but not before leaving us with this great quote…
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams … glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those … moments will be lost … in time, like tears … in rain. Time … to die.” – Roy Batty |