Sam the Snowman is a character from the television Christmas special ‘Rudolph the Red–Nosed Reindeer’ which is a stop motion animated story by Rankin Bass.It first aired on NBC but later moved to CBS and has aired every year since its first airing in 1964. It is one of only 4 Christmas movies still airing every year alongside ‘The Grinch who Stole Christmas’, ‘Frosty the Snowman’ and ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’. Sam the Snowman was the narrator of the special and was based off of singer Folk singer Burl Ives.Here is a quote from Sam that will help to remind us that Santa will be up and running and ready to go for next season…
“Now don’t any of you worry your heads about Santa, Mrs. Claus will have him plenty fattened up before Christmas eve. It’s always the same story. – Sam the Snowman |