Alan Moore is an English comic book writer who’s best known for writing the comic book series ‘The Watchmen’ , ‘V for Vendetta’ and ‘From Hell’. Moore’s style can be best described as adult in nature as Moore isn’t afraid to venture into a pessimistic storyline without happy endings and more of a depressive nature than other comic book series on the market. After working with Marvel UK and several other British magazines, Moore came to the USA and started to work for DC comics by helping to re-invent the comic book series ‘The Swamp Thing’. Moore would go on to re-establish several DC comic book properties including ‘Deadman’ and ‘Spectre’ and was also the first individual to introduce the character John Constantine who would eventually become an important property for DC Comics when they gave him his own series entitled ‘Hellblazer’. Moore would go on to contribute his writing for several high profile characters including Batman and Superman as well as the League of Extraordinary Gentleman series. Moore would soon leave DC Comics and work on several independent comics as well as contribute to the ‘W.I.L.D.C.A.T.S.’ comic book series for Image Comics. Moore has had several issues with comic book companies over copyright and licensing issues and has since declared that he will only include his name on properties that he fully owns and that all creations not owned by him should have his name taken off of the properties. Alan Moore now gives us a quote on his thoughts on the graphic novel industry for the month of April…
“That pompous phrase (graphic novel) was thought up by some idiot in the marketing department of DC. I prefer to call them Big Expensive Comics.” – Alan Moore |