This month not only rings in the Holiday Season but also brings us the arrival of a Sherlock Holmes movie to the theaters. The arrival of the movie is a great time to use Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as our quote for this month. Doyle was a British author best known for his books based on the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes as well as several other crime and science fiction stories and historical novels. Doyle’s first significant work came in 1887 when he wrote ‘ A Study in Scarlet’ which was the first known appearance of Sherlock Holmes in one of Doyle’s writings. Arthur’s short stories about Sherlock Holmes would continue to be published in ‘Strand Magazine’. Doyle killed the character of Sherlock Holmes at one point in order to concentrate on more important historical novels but the fan reaction was mostly negative and he wound up bringing the character back from the grave by making the death sound like an excuse for Sherlock Holmes to go deep undercover to unravel a mystery. Holmes would later write political novels surrounding various wars at the time including the Boer War and would go on to write several spiritual novels after his bouts with depression following the deaths of his wife and son. Doyle’s character Sherlock Holmes did a great job at convincing people not to rule out any possibilities and to look at every single clue in order to solve a crime. Here is one of Sherlock Holmes’ quotes from one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories on the detective…

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“It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes


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