Gatorade is a sports drink that is made by Pepsi Co and is sold in over 80 different countries worldwide. In addition, the company now sells nutrition bars, protein drinks and additional merchandise with the Gatorade logo. The drink was created in the 1960s by a team of researchers at the University of Florida. Gatorade is the official sports drink sponsor of almost every professional sports league including the NBA, NHL, NFL,Nascar and MLB just to name a few. A popular term in sports culture is called a ‘Gatorade Shower’ where a member of the winning team will take a Gatorade cooler and dump it over the head of their head coach in celebration for winning the game. The main goal of drinking Gatorade is to re-hydrate your body after doing any physical activities. In 2010, the company went through a major re-branding after a poor restructuring of their product lines caused their market share to drop by more than 2%. The company now offers a ‘G’ series of product lines which help a person before, during, and after a workout. Furthermore, Pepsi Co has introduced a new low calorie version of Gatorade which they now call ‘G2’. The company has its own sports science institute located in Illinois which is constantly looking at new ways to help replenish the body after doing physical activities. Since June in North America marks the beginning of Summer; here’s a slogan from a company who offers a drink many people like to use to replenish their bodies during the summertime…
“Is it in you? – Gatorade |