Key and Peele is an American sketch comedy television program and airs on Comedy Central. The show features Keagan-Micheal Key and Jordan Peele who are both former cast mates on the cancelled sketch comedy program ‘Mad TV’. The show hopes to push the boundaries of race much like ‘Chappelle’s Show’ did several years earlier and can rely on the fact that both comedians are biracial and might be able to get away with certain topics that other comedians (black or white) might choose to avoid in their act. In one of the show’s more popular sketches entitled ‘Obama Anger Translator’, Peele plays president Barack Obama who has hired the services of a translator named Luther to translate some of his political thoughts on important issues so that the average person on the street can understand what it is that the president is trying to tell them. Of course, this idea doesn’t quite work out very well since it seems that the president is laying the smack down on his political opponents with Luther taking the president’s thoughts and translating them to new extremes…
Obama: “First off, concerning all of the recent developments in the middle eastern region…I just want to reiterate our unflinching support for all people and their right to a democratic process”
Luther: “Hey all you dictators out…? Keep messing around and see what happens, just see what happens…..WATCH!!!!” |