If we were to ask a random sample of people in North America about canned foods; most people would come up with an answer such as peas, carrots or everybody’s favorite food – spam. Believe it or not, lots of companies have sold crazier things that just spam at their local supermarket. Before we begin, we should clarify that some of these items are considered delicacies in certain cultures and are a normal meal for some people. On the other hand, we consider some of these food items to be unbelievably disgusting to eat and don’t mind discussing how gross they are if the subject does come up in any future conversations on this topic. So, here’s a list of foods that companies have shoved into a can.
Canned Cheeseburger

-Most customers consider a burger from their local fast food chain to be a supbar meal. Perhaps they haven’t found this gem at their local supermarket. A company from Switzerland sells a cheesebuger inside a can. We don’t want to take a guess how the meat must taste but the bread would have to be pretty soggy sitting in a can for a long time. Also, if the burger doesn’t have any thousand island dressing on it,we’re not going to eat it no matter how good the burger tastes. One of these burgers will set you back 6$ or you can head down to your local fast food joint and get six similar burgers from their local value menu.
Sweet Sue Canned Whole Chicken

-Many people in the armed forces have stated that they’ve had to eat chicken in a can that was much worse than this stuff while they were serving in the army. Well, those men aren’t at war anymore and this stuff looks a little funky to us. You’ll notice that when the chicken pops out of the can, there’s a huge layer of goo that comes off the chicken. This is gelatin which is from the fat of the chicken and has solidified. The other goo is the chicken broth which the label states can be used to make some delicious chicken gravy. The chicken is actually pretty bland once cooked and tastes a lot like the chicken pieces you would find in a can of Campbell’s soup.
Roasted Scorpions

-People in Thailand consider scorpions a delicacy. The scorpions have had their poison taken out of them so they’re edible to eat. We tend to prefer to eat something that doesn’t have any poison in it at all. We don’t want to run into any pufferfish scenario where some part of our body shuts down from ingesting any lethal amount of poison. We try to avoid eating anything that will try to stab us with their stinger.
Canned Silkworm Pupae

-These are popular little treats in Korea. This is the same country that likes to eat dogs. This is their version of popcorn chicken. Once the can is opened, these silkworms have been pre-stewed and are ready to eat. Unfortunately, one brave soul who tried to eat one of these things said that the broth that was in the can smelled like hot dog water. We’re against eating anything that looks like it might be a parasite or that looks like it has miniature arms on the sides of it so we’ll pass on this food.
Bottled Balut

-Technically, our next item is bottled and not in a can but frankly we’re too lazy to do an article on strange bottled foods so this one was able to make our list. We remember when they would give contestants something like this food to eat on the television show ‘Fear Factor’. The idea behind eating something like this was to gross the contestant out so that they vomited or didn’t try to eat the food and gave up their chance at winning the grand prize at the end of the show. Balut is a boiled three-week-old fertilized duck egg, eaten straight out of the shell. Chicken eggs are sounding pretty darn good right about now.
Smoked Rattlesnake

-We tend to shy away from any type of food that could be considered roadkill. This includes armadillos, possums, skunks, squirrels and snakes. Rattlesnakes should stay in the hot and dry desert where they belong. Also, we’re pretty sure that snakes have lots of tiny little bones and the label states to remove the bones before sampling it. By the time you’re done getting rid of all the bones, you won’t even be hungry anymore.
Canned Haggis

-We don’t much care for haggis when it’s not canned so we can only imagine that canned haggis tastes even worse. Haggis uses most minced organ meats that the average Joe would toss away in the garbage such as the heart, liver and lungs. You can also shove oatmeal, onions and some seasonings and then shove that into the stomach of a sheep where it’s then cooked in boiling water for several hours. We realize that there’s not much to do in Scotland so coming up with weird varieties of food is something cool to pass the time but did you then need to take this item and shove it in a can?
Reindeer Pate

-Our final item on our list actually might be healthier than most other types of meat that you consume. Reindeer are raised on a farm on diets of moss and lichen and therefore only have a two percent fat content. One can will cost around 30$ because of the large expense of farming these animals. We like how the label on the can tries to associate the word ‘Christmas’ and ‘reindeer’ in the same sentence to try and convince potential purchasers of the holidays. ‘Hey folks! It’s Christmas! Wanna come and eat Rudolph and his friends?’
We’re done discussing food in a can. We almost lost our appetite for a second there. There’s actually lots more of these types of items jammed inside a can. It’s unbelievable what types of food people are willing to shove into a can. We guess what grosses some people out in one culture