It’s time for another round of fast food failures. We’ve worked hard to try and find some more unpopular fast food chain decisions and we think that we have enough noticeable failures to bring forward for another edition that will be sure to have you eating at home more often in the future.
MAC Snack Rap

-McDonalds has gradually been losing market share to more popular subway sandwich shops over the last decade and corporate headquarters decided that they needed to start coming out with new menu items such as snack wraps and subway sandwiches that had a signature McDonalds twist thrown in to get people talking. Unfortunately, their specialty was burgers and therefore they attempted to take one of their most beloved menu items (Big Mac) and merge it with a snack wrap. Most people who purchased the wraps realized that it was basically just the same ingredients inside a Big Mac without a bun anymore. Now, as we take a look inside we shall witness that there is really slim pickings when it comes to the dollar for value ratio. We realize that these things are less than two dollars but could you have at least thrown in a few more pickles? Anyways, there’s currently a Facebook group with the title ‘Big-Mac Snack Wrap…Eww?’ and if that is how most of your target audience feels then I doubt this item will be sold nationwide anytime soon.
Cheddar BK Stuffed Steakhouse Burger

-We’re all suckers when it comes to food being stuffed into something really tasty. We all enjoy donuts stuffed with jelly, dumplings stuffed with cheese or shrimp or even a duck stuffed inside a turkey during Thanksgiving. Burger King is the first fast food chain to attempt to capitalize on this crazy by coming out with a burger that has a patty stuffed with jalapenos inside of it. Some food critics were convinced that this would start a stuffing fad where we would see all sorts of stuffed burgers being imitated by other fast food chains. We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that the burger is splashed with an orange poblano sauce but we’re pretty sure most of you don’t even know what a poblano sauce is. This isn’t a terrible burger but it’s still sub-standard compared to other burgers such as the Whopper. Some people like the slight heat in the burger while other have said that it’s like a nuclear explosion went off inside their stomach which isn’t a good response for the marketing gurus over at BK. We’re not sure that this particular burger will be sold for much longer but we’re sure that this burger will leave a lasting legacy of taking ingredients and shoving them into burger patties for a very long time to come.
Taco Bell Shrimp Taco

-Taco Bell has run into a lot of problems lately over hateful attack campaigns over the quality of their meat. Many have complained that Taco Bell served ‘D’ quality meat which is even lower on the scale compared to animal food. Taco Bell has fought hard to change this perception so we’re slightly confused over the marketing of a new ‘Pacific Shrimp Taco’ by the company. We have a hard time believing that any seafood that is a 2.50$ or less and is being served from a company that has issues with its basic necessity (meat) will go a long way in making us believe that this will be a new hit item. The food has a couple of pieces of shrimp mixed with some lettuce and a ranch sauce that is then wrapped in a soft tortilla. Another problem is that shrimp can take a long time to order and some people have complained that it’s taken over 15 minutes to get their order. This is odd since this is supposed to be the place where you would expect to get your order in five minutes or less. One unexpected failure is that many employees are allergic to shellfish and are getting sick from preparing the food. Taco Bell should stick to beef and leave the shrimp over at the fish market.
Shareable Pizza Burgers

-Burger King’s ‘Whopper Bars’ are beginning to take shape across the nation and the company is trying to change the way that people interact with food and attempt to try new menu items that they normally wouldn’t try at a typical fast food burger joint. We guess that in NYC people like to sit down together and share a pizza so the head honchos over at BK headquarters thought it would be a cool idea to build an extra large burger and divide it up so that people can share a burger together and discuss the news of the day. The shareable NY Pizza Burger is comprised of four quarter-pound patties on a 9.5-inch sesame bun, topped with mozzarella cheese, marinara sauce, and a pesto-flavored (nut-free) Tuscan Herb Mayo. The monster is then sliced into six wedges and sold for the bargain price of $12.99. It’s hard to insult the burger since a whopper is the most popular item that BK serves up to its loyal customers. But, most burger lovers go to a place like BK for the fast service and the cheap prices and not to wine and dine. If given the choice between a sirloin steak and a large burger for the same price; we think that most people would prefer the dining experience of a steak dinner and stick with a regular whopper when they’re in a bind and need a quick meal for lunch or dinner.
White Castle Chicken Rings

-Most people associate White Castle restaurants with steamed sliders that they ate while drunk at 2:00 a.m. in the morning but the company has attempted to introduce some new menu items and none is weirder than the creation of the chicken ring. Is it an onion ring? No. Is it shaped like an onion ring? Yes. Apparently , chicken nuggets just weren’t making the cut anymore so someone thought that it would be a good idea to change the shape of a chicken nugget and make it look like an onion ring. These rings are stuffed with all of the worst parts of a chicken, bleaching and filler products that money can buy. We praise White Castle for trying to diversify their menu offerings but this place is not a five star restaurant and when drunken people step in to eat at your restaurants, they’re looking for one thing and one thing only and that’s a 12 pack of sliders and some greasy fries.
Taco Bell Blackjack Taco

-This item makes the list because of its ridiculous black outer shell. The shell looks like it spent too much time in the oven and turned to a crisp or was otherwise vomited up by a fellow customer. The shell is the only interesting thing about this menu item since the rest of it looks like your typical original taco with the same typical ingredients found in most things ordered at the food chain. One difference is the inclusion of a pepper jack sauce but the sauce is not overly spicy and doesn’t do much to add any flavor to the taco. The shell is mostly for show but at least the taco is tasty enough that you don’t need to spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get the taco sauce out of the packet. This taco is for a limited time only and we won’t be crying when it’s gone.
Sonic Pickle-O’s

-Once in a while, a fast food chain likes to play on nostalgia and bring back old favorite menu items from the past in the hopes of introducing the item to a new generation of food lovers. This was the case when the Sonic food chain decided to bring back pickle-o’s for the chain’s 50th anniversary celebration. These items were originally sold by the dozen for 25 cents back in the 1960s. Pickle-O’s are sliced dill pickles, breaded and cooked to a golden brown. They’re served with your choice of mustard or ranch dipping sauce. We’ll admit that we’re fans of pickles but this concept of trying to be the new french fry failed miserably to a nationwide audience when the majority of this snack’s fans hail from the Southern United States. The promotion only ran for a limited time but there are still some Facebook groups trying to start a petition in the hopes of bringing the snack back to a deep fryer near you.
It’s been a blast having fun and writing about these fast food failures. We’re going to take some time to reflect on all of the failures that we’ve written about and go on a major search in the hopes of finding some more hunger failures. If you know of any failures that we might have missed along the way; be sure to send us a comment and explain why the item in question deserves to make it on to the next round of fast food failures.