October is Halloween time and this month gives us the chance to look around various search engines in need of a scary quote. We could think of no better film to scare us with a quote than Freddy Krueger’s ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’. Freddy Krueger is a fictional character and the primary antagonist of the ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ film series. Krueger was created by Wes Craven, and had been consistently portrayed by Robert Englund since his first appearance. In the 2010 remake, he was portrayed by Academy Award–nominee Jackie Earle Haley. Krueger is portrayed as a child killer who is eventually discovered and captured by the law, but escapes legal prosecution due to a technicality. He is hunted down by a mob of angry parents, and cornered in a boiler room where he used to take his victims. The mob douses the building with gasoline and sets it on fire, burning Krueger alive. While his physical form dies, his spirit lives on in the dreams of a group of teenagers living in his old neighborhood, who he preys on by entering their dreams and killing them. Krueger’s physical features can best be remembered by his signature clawed glove. The horror film series has gone on to make nine slasher films , various comic books and a television show (Freddy’s Nightmares) which was a horror anthology series starring Freddy Krueger as the show’s host. One, Two, Freddy’s Coming For You is a parody of the kid’s nursery rhyme,”One, Two, Buckle My Shoe”. This song is often to be Freddy Krueger’s theme song. It is sung by little children dressed in white party clothes jump-roping who are presumed to be the past victims of Freddy in his former life. Here is the quote in its entirety…
“1,2, freddys commin’ for u. 3,4, better lock ur door. 5,6, grab ur crusifix. 7,8, gonna stay up late. 9,10 never sleep again”. – A Nightmare On Elm St. |