We searched the internet far and wide to try and find some new and interesting food gadgets that will make it even lazier to cook food or simply make it taste better. Here’s a selection of some of the new and unique products that we were able to find on the net.
Condiment Gun

-Did you ever feel like less of a man when you had to shake that ketchup bottle for over 15 minutes until a tiny bit of ketchup came out and covered only a portion of your fries? Do you like guns? Do you feel lonely and naked without the feeling of a gun in your hand every couple of seconds? Well, do we ever have a product for you! This device comes with two reusable cartridges and you can get perfect ketchup and mustard lines on your hot dogs every single time. It’s also perfect for writing your name into your burgers or to simply shoot and keep predators away from your BBQ.
Personalized BBQ Branding Iron

-We as a human species like to mark our territory. Some people like to own a large lot of land and build a huge fence to protect it while others will start a fist fight if you simply look at their girlfriend the wrong way. It’s not enough to simply put food on the grill and have your friends and family enjoy your gift of a meal. You need to send them a reminder of just who spent the time to cook this feast for them and let them know about it every time that they lift their forks to their mouths and take a bite of it. This unique branding iron can be customized with a variety of letters so the grill master can write just about anything on his delicious work of art.
Beer Belt

-It can be annoying having to constantly get up from the couch to go and fetch yourself another beer. That’s why the beer belt was invented. Now, you can hold six, twelve or fourteen ounce cans around your waist. Each belt is constructed with waterproof ballistic nylon and will fit up to a 58 inch waist. Perfect for NASCAR events, family reunions, school musicals and baby showers.
Bacon Bowl Mold

-The bacon craze is in full effect. You shouldn’t waste time looking in your cupboard for a bowl to use for those corn flakes when you can create the amazing bacon bowl. Its unique design allows bacon to crisp up evenly while grease conveniently collects in the channel to be poured out for healthier, yummier bacon. If you’re lazy and don’t like to wash the dishes…you can simply eat the bowl when you’re done with it and avoid having to waste soaking the dishes in soap and water before you wash them.

-This neat little gadget is a cup that holds your chicken nuggets and your soda. You can easily take a sip from the cup without anything spilling and then pop some nuggets in your mouth. We don’t know how well the cold soda and hot nuggets will clash with each other as we may see some condensation and some soggy nuggets but we’re not worried as most people will eat these things in under five minutes.
Ice Cube Tube

-If you frequently make ice cubes like we do…you know that it can be a pain in the ass to remove the cubes from the tray. The ice sticks to the tray and you need to twist and turn for the ice to fall out and when it does fall out it looks more like a broken puzzle piece instead of a perfect squared cube. The ice cube tube changes the game as you simply pull the plastic container from the tube and gravity lets the ice cubes easily fall straight into the cup.
This concludes another round of lazy food gadgets. If you enjoyed any of the products that you just read about…we were nice enough and provided the links to all the products below for fast and efficient online delivery to your primary residence.
Condiment Gun
BBQ Branding Iron
The Beer Belt
Bacon Bowl
Col Pop
Ice Cube Tube