It’s time to whip up enough tasty and lazy snack. We’re going to take our love of Doritos chips to new heights by crushing them up into millions of tiny pieces and using them as a coating for some chicken breasts. We love recipes like this one because it’s very hard to screw this up. You can overcook these items and the worst that can happen to you will be an extra crispy crust on the outside with the moist texture of the chicken meat still nice and juicy on the inside. The recipe to make this type of chicken is no different than any other breaded chicken recipe. You always need milk, eggs, chicken, some spices and your coating of choice. You can always substitute the Doritos for other stuff such as corn flakes, panko bread crumbs or Italian bread crumbs but we like the cheesyness of the chips instead. You can purchase some Jalapeno or Sweet Chili Doritos if you’re the adventurous type but we’re going to use good old fashioned Nacho Cheese Doritos for our recipe.
Let’s find out how to make this easy recipe at home.
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees
2. Take your boneless chicken breasts and cut them up into strips length-wise. Make sure to remove any extra fat that might be on the chicken.
3. Put the chicken breasts into some buttermilk and place them in the fridge for an hour or two.
4. Whip up some eggs.
5. Crush some Doritos by hand or in a blender to make the coating nice and small.
6. Take chicken out of the fridge and drain some of the buttermilk in with the eggs. Take off any excess buttermilk from the chicken and place the chicken in some flour that’s mixed with black pepper, cayenne pepper and some garlic powder. Now place each strip into the egg mixture and then into the Doritos. Repeat this step a second or third time in order to build up a nice thick coating around the chicken.
7. Pour some canola oil or peanut oil into an iron cast pot. Make sure there’s enough oil to soak the chicken completely. We don’t want too much oil as we don’t want the oil to spill over or start a fire. Make sure the oil heats up to between 350-375 degrees and then carefully lower each strip one or two at a time and cook for roughly 2-3 min. on each side until golden brown.
All done! We recommend you serve these with marinara sauce on the side as the cheese goes well with a good tomato dip.