Ugly Americans is an animated television series that is aired on Comedy Central. The program’s plot revolves around Mark Lilly, a social worker who works for the Department of Integration in New York City. New York city has been flipped upside down when hell breaks out from the underground and all sorts of creatures are now allowed to integrate into society such as demons, robots, vampires, zombies and many more weird creature variations. Mark’s job as a social worker is to help out these new creatures integrate into New York city life while trying to cope with some of their own creature habits that they’re having trouble to give up. Mark has a zombie for a roommate who often likes to pick up chicks and a succubus demon for a girlfriend. The style of the show is said to be reminiscent of the EC comics from the 1950s.

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In this quote, Mark must help a tree species have sex with each other for a large spectacle known as ‘Treegasm’. He is having doubts about it and wonders what the big deal is about two trees having sex with each other…

(news report states coverage of an event called treegasm)

Anchorwoman: Toursists from all over the world are pouring into the city for treegasm, the once in a lifetime mating ritual between the central park tree creatures.

Mark (looking at Tv): Geez again? Seriously who cares?

Randall (holding treegasm merchandise): How dare you? Treegasm is a sacred day. It combines the beauty of nature with the filth of pornography.


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