
I decided to take both a grilled cheese sandwich and a peanut butter sandwich and combine them to make one super sandwich. To save time,let’s just call it a Grillnut Cheese Sandwich.
Here’s how you make it:
-You need 2 slices of bread. I recommend normal sliced bread that you can get at your
local grocery or convenience store.
-You need two teaspoons of peanut butter. For this you will need something called a spoon to actually take the peanut butter out of the jar. If you don’t know what a spoon looks like, type in spoon in google and you’ll figure it out.
-1 slice of cheddar cheese or any other type of cheese that you prefer to have on the sandwich. I recommend Kraft processed cheese although those plastic covers are a bitch to take off.If in doubt with the packaging, just use scissors and you’ll be fine.
-Finally you’ll need two teaspoons of butter or margarine. I prefer the taste of butter but if you feel that you’re fat and want a leaner type of butter than go for margarine. Margarine also helps the heart so you decide which one you want to use.
K,here comes the hard part. You need to heat a skillet (cool way of saying a frying pan) to medium heat and make sure that you don’t burn yourself in the process.Now place the peanut butter on the first piece of bread and use a knife to spread it around. The last thing you want is a bumpy sandwich. Now place the cheese on top of the peanut butter and place the remaining piece of bread on top. Now here’s the part where the butter or margarine comes in.
You place it with a knife on the outer parts of the bread so that you don’t burn the sandwich. From first hand experience, you should really make sure the butter or margarine is there or else you get a smelly house and a potential fire hazard. Now you want to fry the sucker up for about 2 min on each side. You”ll need something to flip the sandwich with midway through the cooking process so I recommend you just stab the sandwich with a fork. For more intelligent people, I recommend a cooking spatula like what those fast food workers use to flip burgers with.
Once the burning process is complete,; make sure to turn off the stove and put all the stuff that you used safely back from which it came. You now have a delicious combination of two types of sandwiches in under 10 minutes so enjoy your new creation.