This month’s quote comes courtesy of the television show ‘South Park’. Creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker have been on a roll lately by causing controversy with every single episode that they’ve created. First they upset Tom Cruise by depicting him as an ‘in the closet’ homosexual. They decided to then make fun of Christians by depicting the virgin mary menstruating blood out of her ass. This led to Tom Cruise getting his episode banned and having christian and family groups protest the other episode.Actor and fellow Scientologist Isaac Hayes then quit the show in protest of the show’s recent attacks on different religious beliefs including his own. Matt and Trey responded by throwing some insults of their own in a press statement with the media by saying that Hayes’ departure would not be missed. The moral of this little story is that in the past few episodes that have followed, Matt and Trey have done their best work on the show and managed to come up with this little quote on the show to describe their feelings towards Hayes, Cruise and Scientology.

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Kyle: “A lot of us don’t agree with the choices the Chef has made in the last few days. Some of us feel hurt and confused that he seemed to turn his back on us. But we can’t let the events of the past few weeks take away the memories of how Chef made us smile. I’ll always remember him as the jolly guy who served us food and helped us with our problems. We shouldn’t be mad at Chef for leaving us. We should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains.”


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