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Renegade is an NES video game that came out in 1986. The plot is based on a vigilante named Mr. K. who would fight gangs in different locations in order to save his girlfriend. The game in Japan involved Mr. K. fighting the Yakuza but when ported to North America the gangs resembled characters more from the movie ‘The Warriors’ which was a popular movie in the 1980s. It was one of the first beat-em up 8 bit style of video games and helped to influence other more popular games such as Double Dragon and River City Ransom which would soon follow afterwards. The game allowed you to fight in Subways and on loading docks against a bunch of gangs and every level would end with a boss battle. Next, You would have a choice of 2 or 3 doors to enter that acted like portals that would send you to different new levels or some that you had already beaten on purpose if you chose the wrong door.You can now purchase the game on the Nintendo Wii machine for 500 wii points.At the end of every victory, Mr. K. would appear with his famous quote…

“You ain’t tough enough for me- Mr. K.” – Renegade


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The Super Bowl is in Tampa Bay, Florida this year and is an easy pick for our quote of the month as there’s only really Valentine’s Day that’s the other major event of substance in February (Sorry Black History Month, we’ll use the UK calendar date next time,we promise). There will be plenty of hype in the 2 weeks leading up to the Super Bowl as the media looks for any great audio clip or quote that they can find to try and build some sort of a suspense for the big game. There will also be plenty of great commercials during the game as well as plenty of food being eaten with the Super Bowl being the biggest day of any other where junk food is consumed. There are plenty of inspirational quotes from coaches on this day as well as from players from the winning teams after the game is over but there are also plenty of offbeat and humorous quotes as well. Duane Thomas was the running back for the Dallas Cowboys for 2 seasons and helped them win their first ever Championship.Due to his off-field antics, he was traded to the New England Patriots the very next season only to get into a fight with the coach and was shipped back to the Cowboys after the trade was voided. Acclaimed sports writer Hunter S. Thompson wrote that the year that Thomas returned to the cowboys, he refused to speak to his coaching staff and fellow players all season long. The coaching staff would call his number during plays and Thomas would go and do his job without communicating with anyone else. Well, it seems that Thomas wasn’t impressed either with the monstrosity that the Super Bowl has turned into. Many feel that the Super Bowl is nothing more than a large party without any importance on the actual game itself. Thomas was asked what he felt about the Super Bowl and here was his response….

“”If it’s the ultimate game, how come they’re playing it again next year?” – Duane Thomas


January’s quote of the month was a pretty easy choice. The first black president gets this year’s new quote of the month. There are many inspirational quotes from the new president of the United States but with the global economy being in the dumps right now there is no better quote then of Obama discussing money and its effects on people. It’s also a great quote to show Wall Street the value that money holds and how making money isn’t the only answer. We’ll forgo the usual introduction to the person behind the quote seeing as you’d have to be living under a rock to not know who Barack Obama is. Therefore, without further adieu, we give you this month’s and 2009’s new quote of the month.

“Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential. ” – Barack Obama


Sam the Snowman is a character from the television Christmas special ‘Rudolph the Red–Nosed Reindeer’ which is a stop motion animated story by Rankin Bass.It first aired on NBC but later moved to CBS and has aired every year since its first airing in 1964. It is one of only 4 Christmas movies still airing every year alongside ‘The Grinch who Stole Christmas’, ‘Frosty the Snowman’ and ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’. Sam the Snowman was the narrator of the special and was based off of singer Folk singer Burl Ives.Here is a quote from Sam that will help to remind us that Santa will be up and running and ready to go for next season…

“Now don’t any of you worry your heads about Santa, Mrs. Claus will have him plenty fattened up before Christmas eve. It’s always the same story. – Sam the Snowman
