The summer season is in full force and once again another Electronic Expo Event has come and gone. For those keeping count, this was the 16th expo to take place and it was held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Once again, we got a chance to see the heavyweights like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft show off what new surprises they have in store for the video game fans. Nintendo gave us our first introduction to the Nintendo 3DS which is Nintendo’s brand new 3D powered portable gaming device. Sony spoke more about their plans to advertise the playstation Move and also discussed their intentions to create a brand new paid-subscription service for the playstation network called ‘Playstation Plus’. Microsoft would not be left out of the sensor discussion as they hyped their own user-sensory device – Microsoft Kinect. All the major developers were on hand and they showcased the latest games to come out this holiday season as well as some new surprises which won’t be on store shelves for another year or two. Here’s a few of the games that caught our eye at the event…

-Rage is a first person shooter from id software. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world after an Asteroid crashes down and kills everything in sight. The survivors of the crash are humans who hid in pods buried deep beneath the ground and have now awaken to find themselves in a desert-like atmosphere. Of course, what would a post-apocalyptic world be without mutants as the enemies trying to kill all of the humans. This game will be running on a brand spanking new game engine called id Tech 5. Unlike other first person shooters, this game will feature a strong racing element to the game as the developers worked hard on trying to add racing combat as a main plot element in the game. Gamers will be able to drive dune buggys and also try to kill each other online with vehicles as the racing will be a strong multiplayer component of the game as well.