We decided to wait a bit for the Holiday Wii mania to die down a bit before writing our review on the new Nintendo gaming machine. So far, the Nintendo Wii has performed above expectations thanks to to its unique playability and attraction to the casual gamer. Let’s discuss this system’s highs and lows.
-Cheaper than either the XBOX 360 or the PS3.(Roughly 250$)
-Device is slim and can be stacked horizontally or vertically.
-Can Play Gamecube games.
-Wireless controllers work well from a distance of up to 30 feet.
-runs quietly.
-Controller slots and media player slots are well hidden and protected
-Nintendo first party titles on launch
-Not impressive graphically.
-Ipod style color easily scratches making it dirty.
-component cable sold separately.
-Wii-Mote and classic controllers a bit costly separately.
-Wii motion sensor not flawless.
-Too many party games and not enough 3rd party support just yet.