After recently reading TV Guide’s top 50 cartoon characters of all time; I’ve decided to make my own top 10 list of great cartoon characters. Check out the list and give me some feedback in our forums or in our feedback section on the top on whether you disagree or agree with my list. You can also make your own list and we’ll compare. But for now, here’s my top 10 list of the greatest cartoon characters.
10. Rocko

Famous Quote: “We must cease this senseless sucking!”
Rocko is the brainchild of the same dude that did Ren and Stimpy and was a great character that much like Ren, would get angry at his sidekick and try and kick their ass. Rocko is a wallaby from Australia who is joined by his sidekick Heffer and gets into weird situations in which the two must find some kind of resolution to help solve the problems that they cause for themselves. The show is now over but can still be seen on Nickelodeon sometimes.
9. Gimpy

Favorite Quote: “Star Wars Good, Star Trek Bad!”
Gimpy appears on the television show Undergrads which can still be seen on Teletoon in Canada or Comedy Central in the states. He plays a stereotypical computer nerd who spends his time in chatrooms or message boards writing about how good star wars is or how bad star trek is. While not in chatrooms or playing computer games online, he enjoys hanging out with his best friends Cal, Rocco and Nitz.
8. The Moonites

Favorite Quotes: “Oh Man, I’m so toasted!”-Err
“Well for one thing, the moon has one third less gravity than your earth, I don’t know if you can understand that, but our vertical leap is beyond all measurement.” – Ignignoc
7. Wild E. Coyote

Famous Quote: None,he was a silent character who would only hold up signs when he needed to speak.
This guy should seriously sue the ACME Corporation. He buys millions of products from them and not one of them ever operates properly in his attempt to capture the ever fast and ever sneaky roadrunner. He’s a fanatical Coyote always chasing a roadrunner but never succeeding in his attempts. He’s been a franchise along with the other Looney Tunes characters but in my opinion, the favorite, and hopefully one day he’ll catch that blasted roadrunner.
6. Beavis and Butthead

Famous Quotes: “That’s not funny, dumbass!”
Beavis and Butthead are those 2 great icons from the early MTV era that have breaded a nation of idiots and idiotic TV shows for generations to come. The show then spawned a movie entitled Beavis and Butthead do America and later had their neighbor spawn a sitcom in King of the Hill. They are often known for their stupidity and especially funny is Beavis’ Alter ego, ‘Cornholio’ who needs more toilet paper for his bunghole.
5. Duckman

Favorite Quote: “What the hell are YOU starin at!?!”
Duckman is a crazy duck whose voice is performed by Jason Alexander from Seinfeld fame. The show appeared on the USA network in the 90s and gained a loyal cult following. The premise revolves around a duck that is a detective and solves crimes while at the same time trying to stay alive in a world that he views as pathetic. The duck is really a selfish duck that would rather sit on the couch then solve crimes but is forced to in order to pay the rent.
4. Cartman

Famous Quote: “I would never let a woman kick my @ss. If she tried something, I’d be like, HEY! You get your b*tch @ss back in the kitchen and make me some pie!”
Cartman is the ever lovable, verbally abusive little boy from Comedy Central’s South Park. He’s never afraid to speak his mind on various subjects and often has some kind of get rich quick scheme that ends up going wrong.
3. Baby Stewie

Favorite Quote: “Do these huggies make my ass look big?”
Stewie is the ultra intelligent little baby from Family Guy whose sole goal in life is to kill his mother and to take over the world. Often with smart ass remarks, Stewie has got the stuff of legends and after a brief hiatus, (Ok the show got canceled and as a gift from the heavens will be returning sometime next year back to television.) will be returning back to wreck havoc against all of those in his path.
2. Bender

Favorite Quote: “Bite my shiny metal ass!”
Bender is a robot whose job in life is to bend pieces of metal. He joins up with Fry just before he’s about to kill himself in a suicide booth (This show happens in the future, remember that.) and the rest is history. Bender is a great character for one liners or for smirky comments and always comes up with something ingenious to say in every line that he says on the show. Futurama is from the same dude that brought us The Simpsons and is definitely worth checking out to see as Bender is what you would get if you mixed Homer Simpson and Duckman and made them into a robot.
1. Duff Man

Favorite Quote: “Are you ready to get Duffed?”
Duff man is the poster child for alcoholics everywhere and is that cool, ultra-good looking star from Duff Breweries that is the life of any party. You can often see him on The Simpsons boogying down at parties and encouraging people to drink Duff beer whenever possible.
That was a pretty tough list. Please remember that this is my list and not yours so I’m sure that your list is probably just as good as mine. There were also many situations where I tried to pick the best character from each show that I chose instead of picking many of the same characters from the same show. Therefore, in some situations I do like many characters from a single show but was forced to pick my single favorite.