We like to think that our site has become pretty popular over the years and deserves some recognition by the entertainment community. Therefore, we have come up with a plan to get famous people to endorse our website. The problem with this plan is that after a lengthy scouting mission, the best we could come up with was 0 people. Actually, we did manage to find some celebrities but Carrot Top and a Mr. T. impersonator don’t count. But if we could get celebrities or other famous people to endorse our website, we think it would go a little something like this:

Donald Trump: This site is going to huuuuuge! Huuuuge I tell ya with a capital H.

Dane Cook: Me and this website are going to make sweet sweet love tonight.

Hulk Hogan: You know something Mene Gene, I went to this website brother, and it was called BoobNewb brother, and i said to myself not even my 24 inch pythons could handle the madness that was this website. It pinned me 1-2-3 brother! I want a rematch BoobNewb!

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Ya, Vis wabsite tis zuvenstein! I zam no match for dis wabsite. It tuned to me, raized ma body in the air, tuned to da cavara and said ‘you’re toast arnold ,and di veat toast as a snack wit my bavarian strudel!’

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog: This website is great yes……………………….for me to poop on!

Geraldo Riviera: I stand here today, deep in the heart of Afghanistan, with a late breaking news update, it seems that in my time here in these trenches, the only thing keeping afloat from the sheer agony of this terror field was reading the insightful news updates of this hilariously funny theatrical masterpiece your viewers call BoobNewb. Thank You BoobNewb, and godbless America, back to you in the studio.

Tom Cruise: Wow, what can I say about this website. Wow, wow, woah, you know this site might be as good if not better than scientology. Ok, not really as good as Scientology but pretty close. I can’t grasp how people don’t see the superfluous termentuousnous of this website yet. (Starts jumping on his kitchen table, interviewer takes a step back) Damn , I’m super-super serious about this folks, this website needs your attention right away.

Ali G: BoobNewb is wicked no, coz you get money for doing nothing, just chilling. Me want to work when me want to work. Most of the time me want to just chill or whatever, or just hang with me beetches. The good thing about BoobNewb is that you know how being lazy is like, ufferwise you get goings and doing stuff with ye friends and den you find out that after a year that dey is like, you know sleeping with horses or whatever.
Stay Tuned, hopefully we can find some more fake famous people to endorse our website in the future.