The dictionary defines an asshole as being someone who is stupid or irritating or ridiculous. We’d like to add to this definition by mentioning an asshole as someone who’d you just like to hit across the face when you see them in public. The entertainment industry has tried to find the right combinations in order to create characters that the audience would just love to hate. We’ve rounded up a list of characters we’ve came across in television ads, music, skits and much more in order for us to come up with strong examples of assholes just for you.
Andy Bernard from ‘The Office’.
Andy came on to the show as the office employee that you just love to hate. He thought too highly of himself, sucked up to the boss way too often and would try to become best buds with Jim by calling him big tuna more times than was needed. The entire office finally tried to get rid of him by realizing his anger management issues that resulted in him leaving the office temporarily in order to receive counseling. This form of assholery results from over ambition and the need to be the best when in fact the person is a loser who should be sitting in the corner cubicle all by themselves.
The Molson Canadian ‘Oblivious’ Guy.
The A-Holes SNL Skit.
The A-Holes skit on SNL is a skit featuring cast members Kristen Wiig and Jason Sudeikis who play two people who are full of themselves and don’t care about anything or anyone around them at any time. Jason is often seen chewing bubblegum which is a asshole no-no while Kristen plays with her hair to show that she’s disinterested in the conversation while other people are talking to her. These two individuals show that they are assholes by having no emotions whatsoever when trying to adopt a baby and try to look at choosing a baby like choosing a new car by looking at the “color” of the baby or whether the baby has “special features”.
The WWE’s Mr. Kennedy.
Mr. Kennedy looks like an over-muscular, bleached version of Andy from NBC’s The Office. Once again the constant gum chewing comes in to effect here as does the need to be the best at his sport and become the WWE Champion one day. Mr. Kennedy doesn’t care about any individual but himself by knocking former world champion Bobby Lashley out for six months by slamming his leg into the ring steps several times. He demonstrates his egotism even further by bringing a microphone to the ring from the rafters and declaring to the entire audience in attendance that he is Mr Kennedy!……………………………………….Kennnnnneeeeeddaaay!
The Devil from ‘Reaper’.
It’s hard to not be an asshole when you’re the devil. You torture people all day long just for fun and you stole some kid’s soul who must now become your bounty hunter and bring escaped souls back to hell. The evil smile that actor Ray Wise can use anytime that he wants helps to add to the cunning wit of the devil and adds a sense of humor to an otherwise evil person. The part that makes Ray’s character so great is that he can be a friendly individual in one instant and totally turn on you and become a complete asshole the very next second. It’s hard not to include the devil in our list of biggest assholes.and finally….
Dennis Leary.
We like Dennis Leary very much but when you create a song about yourself called “I’m an Asshole” then it makes the decision process to add you to our list of biggest assholes a very easy one. Dennis Leary is an asshole because he doesn’t give a damn what people say or think about him. He does what he pleases and does all the things that people tell you not to do in excess such as smoke or drink. He’s not afraid to tell you you what he thinks about you and will flip you the bird if he feels the situation warrants it. He’s the ultimate asshole if there was a hierarchy of assholes and we are proud to have him at the very top of our list.Did we miss any assholes? Do you have an asshole that we missed? If so, don’t be shy to comment and let us know which assholes we forgot to include in our roundup of assholes in the entertainment industry.