Ipod and MP3 Alarm Clock Wakeup Songs: The Early Entries
Posted by: shipster in Entertainment
There are a lot of people in the world who use an alarm clock in order to wake up each morning. The two prevailing sounds that most people hear everytime that they wake up are a loud ringing sound or the quieter but longer lasting beep noise. The advancements in MP3 technology and digital music players has now allowed individuals to be able to use their Ipod, cellphone or clock radio with MP3 music added-on to be able to play their favorite song as an alarm clock wakeup rather than those old sounds that we’re used to. But what would be a good song to play that has the theme of getting people up and ready to start their day? We now take a look at some songs that would be a perfect addition to an individual’s alarm clock every morning or night.

Artist: U2
Song : Beautiful Day
-The first in our alarm clock entries is U2’s ‘Beautiful Day’. This song is hopeful and optimistic. You feel as though you’re going to have a great day today. The lyrics ring true by telling you ‘It’s a beautiful Day…Don’t let it get away’ which helps to tell you that tomorrow may not be such a great day so you better get out of bed and enjoy the day because tomorrow might be crappy and rain or a bird might poop on you so get up already and enjoy this great day today.

Artist: Sugar Ray
Song: Every Morning
-‘Every Morning’ sounds like a song about the band being pissed off that the morning exists everyday but in actuality it’s about one of the band members feeling guilty for hurting their girlfriend’s feelings or someone in the relationship cheating with somebody else. This song should probably only be played by someone who doesn’t have a girlfriend, is in a loving marriage or didn’t just have a one night stand the night before.

Artist: Technotronic
Song: Get Up
-This 80s tune is a great little dance number for those that want to start their day off by jumping out of bed and doing some push ups or possibly going for a run or a jog in the morning. The lyrics help us by emphasizing ‘Get up, get up, get busy do it’ when they should of just said ‘Get up and get off your fat ass already, we got stuff to do already’. If you feel as though you’ve got a long day ahead of you…this might not be the song for you. If you’re full of energy and need something with lots of beats in order to help get you through the day then this song is more to your liking.

Artist: Michael Jackson
Song: Wanna Be Startin’ Something
-Even though Michael Jackson has passed away, his songs will always be influential to millions of people. In this case, why not use Jackson’s music to help get people to start their day off by actually starting something. People can start their day by getting a loan from the bank, cleaning up that garage that you always said you would clean up one day or do simpler activities such as going for that bicycle ride that you always wanted to do but could never find the time to do it. But (if you listen to the lyrics more closely), maybe you should start the day off by starting something with another individual as in beating their ass up? There’s no better way to start off the day then by laying the smack down on someone for either not paying you the money that they owed you or for getting revenge on that kid that used to steal your lunch money when you were in middle school. So, either do something constructive with your day or lay the beat down on someone – it could really go one of two ways with this song.

Artist: Jimmy Cliff
Song: I can see clearly now
-This song is an inspirational and upbeat song about being able to view the world in a different manner for the first time without any obstacles being in your path. Some of the lyrics from this song include ‘It’s going to be a bright, bright sun shiny day!’. It’s too bad that in today’s uptight society full of lobbying and self-interest groups that the lyrics then didn’t say ‘and make sure to wear SPF 30 sunscreen to avoid those horrible Ultra Violet lights!’. Honestly, unless you live in England where it rains all of the time then this is a great song to wake up to early in the morning.

Artist: Alien Ant Farm
Song: Bad Morning
-We’d like to be the voice of optimism with every one of our song choices but that’s not how we roll. Everyday isn’t going to be a great and beautiful day or is going to be the best day of your life. For those of you with a more pessimistic outlook on life; may we present to you the song ‘Bad Morning’ by rock band Alien Ant Farm’. This song has great lyrics such as ‘I wish I never woke up this morning’ and ‘My mother told me there would be days like this’. Perhaps you have a meeting with your boss that morning or are getting a root canal done later in the day. Either way, we think this is a great song to add to our list for it’s not so fresh outlook on life.

Artist: Stereophonics
Song: Have a Nice Day
-We end our first installment of alarm clock songs with an upbeat song by the stereophonics. Even though most of the lyrics from this song have nothing much to do with having a nice day; we still enjoy the music video with the lead vocalist singing on top of a large boat dressed up as a captain as he constantly hums the tune ‘buh ,buh, buh, buh, buh,buh,buh,buh’. You can’t go wrong when half the lyrics from the song are always telling you to ‘Have A Nice Day’.