Professional wrestling has been around for a very long time. It has gone from being a sport that was witnessed at carnival events and transformed into the sports entertainment spectacle that you see today. Former wrestlers were viewed as superheroes and people that could save the day in an action flick. Since then, wrestlers use their real name more often than not and we’ve lost some of that childhood innocence that wrestling used to have. Wrestling is more like a soap opera where the wrestlers play the role that they’re told to play and use real life drama to try and get the fans attention. This new reality has made it hard for the wrestling fan to accept certain characters based on preconceived notions of the individual or based on the fact that the wrestling fan has been conditioned to watch wrestling in a certain way that they no longer understand how to form a logical thought and cheer or boo for what they prefer to see inside the ring. This makes it hard for the creative team to come up with new ideas or to push new wrestlers because the fan simply isn’t buying into what’s being given to them anymore. Therefore, we offer up a few examples of story lines that have been overused or simply won’t work anymore in the modern world.
Wrestlers being fired

– There was once a time when a wrestler being fired meant something in this industry. In the territory days, a wrestler firing could have signaled a legitimate disagreement between the promoter and the wrestler and meant that the wrestler was being blackballed from a certain region. During the Monday Night Wars, a wrestling firing meant that an individual might be jumping ship to another promotion and this was their swan song by the booking team. A wrestling firing today usually means that the individual is being fired to take time off from an injury, personal reasons (rehab) or needs time off to go and shoot a movie. When wrestlers get fired and then show up on television after only 2 weeks then you lose all credibility with your fan base.There is no competition for a company such as WWE and the wrestling fan knows that if the wrestler gets fired then there is nowhere else to go. Where is the wrestler going to end up? The Indy Scene? Mexico? Japan? This story line has been done to death and simply isn’t believable anymore.