History Final Chapter
We would later move on to EFX2 Blog Service where we’ve been for the last 2 years. We were slightly able to change the template of the design to look like our old web site and there have been no stability issues to speak of yet. The site takes a lot more work now then it used to with the staff now being basically only 1-2 people as opposed to 10-15 people from before. We also wish we still had the chat room and other extra features that made the previous web site so special but for now we’ll have to make due with what we’ve got.The site now has a lot more content now then it used to so bringing back the old site would take a bit of effort but isn’t out of the question just yet. In the meantime, we hope to work on more great and unique content for this website and hopefully expand through non conventional methods such as Myspace and possibly Facebook or whichever new Social Networking Site gets exposure. We have already created a Myspace for BoobNewb which can be seen in this image over here. We also hope to create some new logos and possibly some type of fun BoobNewb merchandise in the future.
Our main priority right now is to find someone who is a good web developer/designer and shares the same passion for this web site that we do and is willing to go the extra mile to make BoobNewb as great as it once was.We have recently purchased our own server and are once again a brand new website which we are calling boobnewb 3.0 since technically we’ve already been through a 2.0 sort of before. EFX2Blogs.com was a good free service but like all free services -They don’t give you the security that you require. After potentially losing all of our content because of a phising scam that caused the free service to go down, we realized that we needed to take drastic action to make sure something like that would never ever happen again and have put the time and money into bringing in our new site which we think is the best yet. Thanks to some key relationships with some large advertising companies, we hope we can stay hosted for as long as we need and give our audience the best experience that they can get while visiting our website. Our site will nearly be five years old after this year and it’s been quite a ride to get us to where we are right now. Hopefully our latest venture will prove to be successful.