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Here we are once again for another edition of fast food failures. Since fast food is a competitive business, there’s always going to be marketing people trying to come up with the newest genius idea that’s going to increase quarterly profits by 0.2%. This list is more Mcdonalds heavy compared to the last list and that’s not a surprise seeing how old Mcdonalds is compared to some of their competitors.


-Pizza chains such as Dominos and Pizza Hut were becoming very popular with American families looking for a quick meal for supper. Mcdonalds began research and development on pizza back in the 1970s but only began to roll their version of pizza out in the early 90s. Even though we call it the McPizza, the official name for the pizzas was simply ‘Pizza’. You could order a pizza pie (which resembled an apple pie), a personal sized pizza or a family pizza that was brought to your table by a server and put on a raised rack. Mcdonalds spent a lot of money on trying to make these pizzas a success. They had to install all new pizza ovens in any restaurant that was serving the pizzas and also needed to modify the size of their drive thru windows in order to accommodate the large size of the pizza boxes. The pizzas were simply too time consuming to make and cost too much money to produce and people who really wanted to eat pizza went to a pizza place and went to Mcdonalds for burgers and not pizza. The pizzas were discontinued but vegetarian pizzas are still sold in certain markets such as Dubai and India.

Fast food is a billion dollar business. It can be easy to become complacent and not try to keep up with today’s fast pace lifestyle where new trends come out on a weekly basis. Some fast food places are trying new weird trends to try and entice people to eat out at their establishments. We decided to take a look at some fast food gimmicks both past and present and see what kind of quirky ideas fast food joints have delivered or intend to deliver very soon.

Wendy’s SuperBar

During the 1980s, Wendys created a super buffet that they called the ‘SuperBar’. The buffet had three sections: Salad (Duh!), Mexican (Tacos and Burritos) and Italian (Pizza,Garlic Bread). The SuperBar was an expensive upkeep for Wendys. The idea was decent but it never seemed to catch on with consumers as much as Wendy’s executives hoped it would. Also, The food was not replaced as often compared to a more conventional buffet restaurant which left the food to be less than fresh. After 10 years, Wendy’s ditched the SuperBar and replaced it with simple side salad meals that could be switched into a combo free of charge if the customer didn’t want to order a french fry, baked potato or chili on the side.

Burger King Dining-In Service

In the mid 90s, Burker King decided to classy up their establishment and created a dine-in service where customers didn’t have to walk up to the cash to place their order and had a burger king employee come to their table to serve them. Customers had the option of chowing down on some free popcorn while they waited for their food to be ready. Customers weren’t sure whether they should tip their servers after each meal and ultimately realized that it was cheaper for them to just walk 5 feet to the cash and pay for their meal then it was to sit down and wait for it like at a restaurant.

In Part Two of our series on Songs that will wake you up – we continue to bring you even more songs that hopefully will wake you up and get your day started in the right direction. We decided to throw a little 80s pop in your direction, a song who’s title can’t make it any more clear to you what it’s trying to tell you with the song ‘Wake Up’, a song with a full symphony orchestra in the background and a little metalcore to finish it all up.

Artist: Stone Temple Pilots
Song: Days of the Week

-This is a great song if you want to wake up and shoot yourself in the head. Ok, we here at BoobNewb don’t actually endorse anyone to shoot themselves in the head but the Stone Temple Pilots clearly do with the lyric that says ‘Tuesday, shoot me in the head’. Sometimes lyrics try to be complex metaphors that are really attempting to say something important but in actuality mean something completely different. There’s no metaphor here when the band is clearly telling you that Tuesdays suck and you should shoot yourself in the head to avoid the rest of the week. If that doesn’t brighten up your day, how about these lyrics: ‘Mondays gone’, ‘Tuesdays fadin’, ‘Wednesdays gone’, ‘Thursdays all but wasted now’. They didn’t get to Friday, Saturday or Sunday but if they did it would have gone something like this: ‘Fridays Gone’, ‘Saturdays are Dead’, ‘Sundays Don’t Bother Waking up and Sleep In’. If anything, this is the official anti-wake up song because the band is basically telling you that the days of the week suck and that you might as well sleep in and watch talk shows. If you hate life and prefer to just hit the snooze button on your alarm clock then this may be the song for you.


The month of April has arrived and this usually means that most people are preparing for tax season by trying to find those department store receipts hidden under their couches and hoping that they don’t owe any extra money to the big government that will most likely waste their money on some fruitless endeavor. Many people hate tax season and every tax help website that I find usually tries to add a smart joke or two on their site as a way to help their clients deal with the stress of having to file their tax return. We won’t be doing this on our site as taxes aren’t fun and we’d rather tell you in a quote how much they suck rather than pretend they’re some funny little office joke. We had to reach back into the 1920s to find someone for the job but we managed to find a person with a great quote. Will Rogers is a celebrity who was popular in the 1920s-1930s. He was an American cowboy, humorist, social commentator and actor. He was a leading political commentator who spoke about controversial topics such as gangsters and prohibition but was never censored and was adored by national audiences. He ended up being the top paid actor at the time and also dabbled in radio appearances and several newspaper columns. His other passion was aviation having flown to many far reaching destinations and describing these locations to any that would listen. Unfortunately, aviation would also be his downfall as a plane he was flying in Alaska ended up crashing and killing both him and fellow aviator Wiley Post. Here is a quote from Rogers discussing the difference between the sport of golf and taxes…

“The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has.” – Will Rogers


It’s March and with St-Patrick’s day around the corner; it’s only fitting that we try and find a quote about the holiday. While searching for quotes, we came upon a funny one from Mr. Charles M. Madigan about the holiday. Charles M. Madigan is an educator who has also been an author, editor, journalist and columnist in Chicago, Illinois. He worked for the Chicago Tribune from 1979-2008 and was the newspaper’s senior editor. From 2003-2004, Madigan taught at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. He has appeared on C-Span from 2005-2010. Also, Madigan has written several books including one on how the people elected Barack Obama as well as a book about the decline of the newspaper industry. In this quote, Madigan makes fun of the holiday and discusses how religion and drinking don’t necessarily mesh well together…

“St. Patrick… one of the few saints whose feast day presents the opportunity to get determinedly whacked and make a fool of oneself all under the guise of acting Irish.” –Charles M. Madigan
