Here we are once again for another edition of fast food failures. Since fast food is a competitive business, there’s always going to be marketing people trying to come up with the newest genius idea that’s going to increase quarterly profits by 0.2%. This list is more Mcdonalds heavy compared to the last list and that’s not a surprise seeing how old Mcdonalds is compared to some of their competitors.
-Pizza chains such as Dominos and Pizza Hut were becoming very popular with American families looking for a quick meal for supper. Mcdonalds began research and development on pizza back in the 1970s but only began to roll their version of pizza out in the early 90s. Even though we call it the McPizza, the official name for the pizzas was simply ‘Pizza’. You could order a pizza pie (which resembled an apple pie), a personal sized pizza or a family pizza that was brought to your table by a server and put on a raised rack. Mcdonalds spent a lot of money on trying to make these pizzas a success. They had to install all new pizza ovens in any restaurant that was serving the pizzas and also needed to modify the size of their drive thru windows in order to accommodate the large size of the pizza boxes. The pizzas were simply too time consuming to make and cost too much money to produce and people who really wanted to eat pizza went to a pizza place and went to Mcdonalds for burgers and not pizza. The pizzas were discontinued but vegetarian pizzas are still sold in certain markets such as Dubai and India.