Sunday, June 12th, 2005 was a great night to be a wrestling fan once again. I often talk way too much about wrestling and with good reason with my former background as a wrestling journalist/news reporter but last Sunday brought out some emotions I haven’t felt about wrestling in a long time. While the WWE and NWA-TNA have both been adequate lately, the emotions that I felt while watching the ECW PPV last Sunday were emotions that I had been waiting to feel for a long time. For the first time in a long time, I was actually anticipating this PPV as were other faithful ECW fans.
To recap a bit of wrestling history, ECW was a small, independent wrestling federation from Philadelphia that started out as Eastern Championship Wrestling and later quit the NWA Alliance and changed its name to Extreme Championship Wrestling. It was an innovative wrestling federation that had little to do with story lines like the soap opera WWE of today and more to do with blood,sweat and hard work ethic from the wrestlers that wrestled in that very ring every night. It was the first American wrestling fed. to bring the Mexican ‘extreme lucha-libre- style into the United States as well as to feature matches that other federations wouldn’t dare to touch like the barbed wire wrestling match.ECW didn’t have the production values of a WCW or WWE so they had to settle on smaller venues with lower production values and poor lighting. What set ECW apart from the rest though was its connection with its fans. ECW had some of the craziest,most loyal fans that you could ever ask for and if they didn’t like you than they would tell you about it right to your face. The fans would often start chants up during the match that I wouldn’t dare to repeat in this blog due to their choice of language and they would also bring weapons to the shows to give to the wrestlers to use on each other.
Because ECW couldn’t afford to travel very often ; they would often hold their shows at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia which is now known as The Viking Arena. The fans would come from different areas of the North-Eastern United States to Philadelphia just to show their dedication to the product.ECW learned to create brand new characters and gimmicks and during their prime had some of the brightest wrestlers to come to the United States from all over the world. ECW was a victim of the Monday Night Ratings War between WCW/WWE at the time with both companies competing with one another and snatching up any rising star from ECW when the opportunity arose. (more…)