Many sports fans think that the sport of baseball is nothing more than a bunch of lazy athletes who sit in a dugout all day long and spit sunflower seeds and chew bubblegum. When they do get on to the field, they stand in the hot sun until someone finally hits the ball in their direction for them to make the catch. It’s also the only sport to have a song that gives their fans instructions on how to stretch properly because the games take too damn long to finish on time. If the sport is boring, it’s hard to imagine how lazy the athletes who earn a living doing it all of the time can be described as anything but lazy. Let’s take a look at some lazy baseball players…
Manny Ramirez

-When Manny steps into that batter’s box, it’s all business. There is no denying the guy can flat-out destroy a baseball. Ramirez is one of the top-three hitters in the game. It’s the rest of his game that leaves fans frustrated and annoyed with the outfielder. In one game, Ramirez missed a diving catch and was rolling over the ball, unable to find it.While playing with Cleveland, Manny would occasionally take himself out of games with ‘sore calves’. Not exactly an injury that requires a player to leave the game. Again in Cleveland, Ramirez successfully stole second base and inexplicably started jogging back to first. He was tagged out and was too lazy to follow the play and thought that it was a foul ball. Once during a call to the bullpen, he climbed into the Green Monster to place his own phone call. He’s too lazy to use up precious minutes on his own cell phone. On another occasion, he climbed into the green monster to go to the bathroom. After the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004, Ramirez skipped the team’s visit to the White House. He was too lazy to meet President Bush. Of course, who can forget when Manny failed a drug test because the women’s fertility hormone hCG (a common masking agent for steroids), was found in his system. The ultimate lazy player uses steroids and then tries to cover it up with a masking agent in order to not get suspended by MLB.