We here at BoobNewb have decided to throw ourselves our own Super Sweet 16 Party at the advice of some producers from some music channel which we cannot name. Is this site 16 years old already? No. But after watching a few episodes of the show, we think that there is a lack of originality by only showing rich and spoiled little girls and boys. What about average people like us? Don’t we deserve our own sweet 16 party as well? Well, we decided to stage our own Super Sweet 16 Party BoobNewb Style with absolutely no budget to speak of and here’s what went down….
6:00 am: Like I said, we have no budget. So if you need to plan a party you need to wake the fuck up early.
8:00 am: Finally get out of bed. We here wake up at 6:00 am and then sleep in for another 2 hrs.
9:00 am: Ok, time to start planning this party. Every party needs a location. Since we have no money, we’ve narrowed the choices down to a few locations. The house, the YMCA, the neighbor’s house when they’re on vacation or not home and finally the park. Now out of these choices; we were rejected by quite a few people. The neighbors were home so that was out of the question. The YMCA wanted us to become members first so we said no to that. The mall security escorted us out quietly after we mentioned what we were up to. The park closed too early for us to be able to party. That left us with my house. That wouldn’t fly either although we were allowed to use my garage. Sweet. Jackpot! Ok, so my house’s garage it is. (more…)